
What does the course involve?

Discovering your voice and expressing your ideas and emotions. This is what makes the Photography course so individual. We want to nurture your individual creativity by giving you lots of choices so you are always working from your passion. You will experiment with digital cameras and learn a range of photographic, critical and investigative skills to analyse, research and evaluate your own work and how it relates to the work of others. You will develop a range of photographic technical skills including lighting, camera skills and digital manipulation. Our excellent facilities include a dedicated teaching room with Adobe Creative Suite, scanners, laser printers and Nikon DSLRs. Studio space with an infinity curve and a traditional darkroom are also available to use in and outside lessons. You will have opportunities to work on live briefs, such as collaborating with music students to produce their CD cover shots. There’s also chance for you to visit international photography festivals like Format and other exhibitions in London and Oxford.

Course Outline

Components of Course
Personal Investigation – 60%
External Assignment – 40%

Personal Investigation: consists of two integrated parts
•     An in-depth critical, practical & theoretical investigative project and outcomes based on themes and subject matter that have personal significance.
•     An extended written element of 1000 words, which may contain images and texts and must clearly relate to practical and theoretical work.

Examination: Component 2 
Externally set assignment (Begins February of second year)
This component incorporated two major elements: preparatory studies and the practical 15-hour exam. The Externally Set Assignment consist of a series of visual and written stimuli, presented by WJEC. One of the stimuli is to be selected by the learner and used as a starting point to which students should respond in a very personal way by developing a portfolio of practical work and final outcome(s).
The practical exam consists of a 15-hour period of sustained focus work where students will create final pieces as a development of their preparatory work.

Exam Board

Entry Requirements

A minimum of five GCSEs at grade 5 and above, including Maths and English, with at least two at grade 6. You should have GCSE Art at grade 5 or a Merit in BTEC Art & Design. Outstanding students without these subjects, but with a good portfolio of photographic work and a background in subjects such as Graphic Communication and Media Studies, may be considered.


Possible career paths could include: Photographer, Photographer’s Assistant, Picture Editor, Teacher, Photographic Lab Technician, Graphic Designer or Computer Aided Designer. Photography alumni have volunteered to work with professional photographers to gain further knowledge and experience. They have also gone on to media, marketing and graphics careers and secured employment with organisations such as the National Trust. Maryam Wahid went on to gain a First Class Photography Degree from Birmingham City University and is now a BBC Four Photography Expert.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the college allocate places to students?

All applicants will be invited to attend an admissions interview. An offer of a place to study at Cadbury Sixth Form College is made subject to you meeting the College's standard entry grade requirements.

How much does it cost to study at Cadbury Sixth Form College?

There are no tuition fees for 16-18 year-olds. Students are asked to pay a £25 book deposit when they enrol at the college, however this is returned at the end of the two years of study when all books and resources have been returned to the college. Some subjects will offer field trips which may impose some additional costs, however these costs will be kept to a minimum and these field trips are not compulsory.

When does enrolment take place?

Enrolment takes place from GCSE Results Day. Further details about enrolment and a date/time for your individual appointment will be sent to you in a letter over the summer holiday. Enrolment takes on average 1-2 hours.

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