Tenacious College Careers Team Clinches Prestigious Award

Cadbury College Careers team is celebrating the culmination of three years’ hard work by clinching a prestigious award for its high-quality provision.
The Quality in Careers Standard recognises the team’s outstanding contribution to enhancing the employability of the college’s alumni, focusing on personal development, industry partnerships, and innovative career workshops.
Three years ago, the journey began when the team started working towards the quality award, creating a holistic careers programme that prepared and empowered students to pursue their passions and enter the job market with confidence as part of its strategy.
Schools and colleges are all strongly recommended to achieve and maintain the Quality in Careers Standard, which is the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in secondary schools, colleges and work-based learning.
Careers Coordinator and Adviser for Cadbury Sixth Form College, Andrew Farthing, said: “For the past three years we have been collecting evidence about the quality of our Careers delivery and content, and students’ understanding.
“This included mapping what we do cross-site, cross-curriculum and within the careers team, against extensive criteria. Two external professional assessors spent the morning with students and staff after trawling through masses of documentary evidence submitted by the team.
“We are delighted to see that our perseverance and commitment to excellence have helped us gain the national standard.”
Assistant Principal for Student Services, Angela Tombs, said: “This award is something for us to be very proud of. This is not just a testament to the team’s hard work but also a beacon of inspiration for our current and future students.”
The Standard is fully aligned with the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Career Guidance and fully complies with the Department for Education’s statutory guidance.
Learning providers must supply sufficient current evidence to demonstrate that they meet all national accreditation criteria in their overall careers provision to gain the national Standard.